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Wednesday 2 June 2021

Double nest-eggs - abundance indeed!

The sun is shining so brightly in my mind.

I have never been more confident of success and I can see so many things falling into place in We Share Abundance.

I know that the imminent launch is going to be a massive success and that is all because of YOU!

You are such an important part of everything that is happening and I can feel the positive vibrations surrounding WSA just growing on a daily basis.

That does not mean that there is nothing for us all to do.

We must ride the waves of positivity with action and working together we will realize all our goals and dreams, both individually and collectively.

Regarding December's Nest-egg allocations, these will soon be transferred to your WESA wallets, but we will replace them in your Nest-egg wallet with double the amount, so if you had ten tokens, you will get an additional twenty tokens FREE!

Our future is becoming brighter every day and as some of these things I see manifest I will keep you all informed.

May God bless you and shower you with His abundance!

Graham Frame

P.S. "The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own." ~ Benjamin Disraeli – 1804-1881, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

We Share Abundance active members


The price of WESAbundance tokens in US$


The price of WESA tokens in US$


Wednesday 26 May 2021

The Market Value Of WESA Is In Your Hands

Do you understand that the market value of the WESA token is set by YOU?
The demand is not increased by lowering your asking price!
It is only increased by you selling our MultiplyWESA ad packs to more people.
The price of the WESA token is set by what you will accept for your tokens.
If everyone now selling WESA cancelled their sell orders in and then put these tokens back for sale at an asking price of $1,000, then $1,000 would become the market price.
This would not deter people from buying; in fact, quite the reverse!
If someone wants to buy MultiplyWESA ad packs worth $165, they simply buy that value of WESA tokens - 0.165 WESA if the market value is $1,000 and 330 WESA if the market value is $2!
Also, any token increasing in value attracts investors, and so increases the demand, enabling you to sell more tokens and sell them faster.
A low market price that is decreasing puts off any investment, reduces demand and makes it harder to sell your own tokens.

My recommendation is to cancel all sell orders under $1,000 and then place new sell orders at $1,000 or more.
This will increase demand and help you make more money.
The choice is yours!

God bless Graham Frame

P.S. “No man has a chance to enjoy permanent success until he begins to look in a mirror for the real cause of all his mistakes." ~ Napoleon Hill, Law of Success

Thursday 20 May 2021

The Change From WESA Tokens Explained

Let's clear up the questions on the change from WESA to WESAbundance and the possibility of a WESA coin.

WESA coin we have created already, but until such time as we can get it accepted on major exchanges it serves no purpose and is not yet available. Once we decide to make it live (there is no time frame in mind for this) members will have the option of exchanging WESAbundance tokens for WESA coin on a 1 for 1 basis.
WESA tokens are a free-market asset and will be retained as the currency in MultiplyWESA and withdrawals will continue to be paid daily from MultiplyWESA in WESA tokens.
We Share Abundance will change to the WESAbundance token at midnight on Thursday 20th May, 2021 (is the official time of the change after which no tokens other than WESAbundance will be accepted or used, but the actual change may take place a few hours later). This will be a seamless change not requiring any action from the members and all WESA tokens in WESA wallets at that time will be converted to WESAbundance tokens automatically.
From the time of the change in WSA, deposits will only be accepted in WESAbundance tokens, and at our discretion any other tokens sent may be converted to WESAbundance at market value, or returned to the sender less an administration fee.

Withdrawers will have 2 options:
1/ Any value may be withdrawn and paid after being converted to WESA tokens. Many members have been asking for this option and we listen and always seek to provide a solution to what our members want.
2/ Withdrawal subject to liquidity in bitcoins or any other mainstream coin that admin decides to use (as now) will be allowed based on the smallest requests being paid first .

Once the change to WESAbundance has been made all purchases and stakes will be made using the new WESAbundance token. The paid program, once introduced, will be purchased using WESAbundance tokens and withdrawals from income earned in the paid program can be requested at any time and will be paid daily in WESAbundance tokens. This means that the ONLY way to obtain WESAbundance tokens in your account will be either by purchasing them on the exchange or by withdrawal from the WSA paid plan.
Uploads of WESA tokens to We Share Abundance made in the 10 days prior to the change (from midnight 11th May, 2021 to midnight 21st May, 2021) will be paid to your wallet as a FREE BONUS and not deducted from your WESAbundance wallet. So, if you uploaded 10 WESA tokens, you will get them changed to 10 WESAbundance tokens in your WSA wallet and then receive the equivalent amount back into your account. How cool is that? To facilitate this FREE BONUS you will need to complete a form including your registered email address, WSA username, the TXID of your deposit, the date of deposit and the number of tokens deposited.
I think this should answer all questions and this will also be posted on the WSA website in the FAQ section.

God bless,

Graham Frame

Friday 14 May 2021

Are you In panic or peace mode?

I want you to know that you are appreciated as a part of the solid core of We Share Abundance. We will soon be launching (aiming for the end of June) and the new website will have lots of exciting features and attract massive attention.

As we approach launch we are getting stronger, with the negative, ill-advised and frightened members leaving us, and selling their HOPE for a few dollars. I pity them; but we can't afford any negativity going into our launch, so sadly, we are better off without them!

If you are still here and logging in daily, I congratulate you! You are a star, a warrior, a winner and together we are all going to the TOP! If you are here, but afraid and have concerns, then please either change your attitude or leave. You will be welcomed back once we have launched, and you will see the evidence and worth of our program, but sadly you will have missed the biggest opportunity to benefit.

I know and understand that some are concerned with the current price of WESA but this time last year WESA was $3 and people were withdrawing thousands of dollars - it's all an attitude of mind! The liquidity of WESA is of paramount importance to us and that is simply striking a balance between supply and demand. Currently, the members who have left are in panic mode and selling valuable WESA tokens for silly prices which presents a great opportunity for investment.

So, why not take a look on this blog, at what WESA tokens have done since their launch, take a look at the new hybrid plan coming soon at WeShareAbundance, and take some of that ethereum you have just earned with the new all time high and invest some in WESA at

Good luck!

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