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Showing posts with label staking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label staking. Show all posts

Sunday 17 December 2023

Merry Christmas updates from WeShareAbundance​

Our priorities are to bring everything we need within our Nation, and within our control; and by doing this, create the income to become totally debt free.

We do not have any external debts, but we do have debts to members that are made up of Nest Egg purchases, Turnkey Cash Cow Members' purchases, Direct Loans and Staking Plan deposits. All these will be prioritised as we pull together in making We Share Abundance everything it was always intended to be.

The Turnkey Cash Cow program​ is another instance of third-party involvement not living up to expectations, but recently we have been making headway and expect campaigns to finally launch in the coming week.

This will not all happen overnight, but we have already started the transition with the 777 plan already being supported by many in our pre-launch. If you are not already a part of this plan, you are missing out, and also not doing your part in supporting the nation as a whole. To lock in your position in the 777 plan is just $5 and in addition to guaranteeing you a profit, will act as a 'thank you'​ to your sponsor.

Join the 777 plan

Friday 10 March 2023

NEW Stable Staking program from Graham and WSA

Stable Staking (tertiary staking)​ is for everyone! 

Stable Staking is a new program to provide staking returns on a stable coin, specifically USDTether (TRC20)​.

There will only be one entry level, and it will need the maximum deposit possible which will be $100.

The returns will be a guaranteed 20% a month in year one.

This alone may or may not be attractive to you, but stable staking also comes with a refund of your initial $100 stable stake, plus a refund of your primary stake made in We Share Abundance (WSA) to be refunded at the end of year one. That is a potential $200 extra, taking your income for the first year to $440 for a one time $100 stake.

The best is yet to come, however, because your income continues in year two at the rate of $50 a month, and that goes on forever - TOTALLY RISK FREE!

You can join WSA free, and the link below even includes a coupon to give you a paid position in our Easy Business Builder plan.

Join WeShareAbundance​

We are able to make these payments due to our personal trading and participation in some DFY trading platforms.

In all probability we will be running this Stable Stake program at a profit by the end of year two, and, being a not-for-profit community, this will benefit our stable stakers in bonus payments, and all our citizens in adding value to our liquidity pools.

Staking returns will be paid automatically each month, in TRC20 tokens, into your pending withdrawals account, and will then be processed within 10 days into your chosen TRC20 wallet .

Learn more here...

Stable Staking

It's a win/win/win situation! 

God bless you,

Graham Frame

P.S. "Today's accomplishments were yesterday's impossibilities." ~ Robert Schuller - 1926-2015 - 

Monday 5 December 2022

WeShareAbundance is paying

USDT has been sent to all secondary stakers with over $10 in income to the end of November 2022.

The largest amount was $93.85 which was income of $46.92 doubled up by being Power-of-One qualified at the 100% level.

This is just the start folks!

Get your secondary staking set up today.

God bless,

Sunday 23 October 2022

Secondary staking is available from 22nd October

Secondary staking (from $25) is now being launched, and you will have the opportunity to use some of your Wealth Builder funds in this. You will get $1,800 on a $100 stake after five years - details will be available soon, but until we have liquidity for WESAbundance tokens secondary staking will pay out monthly in USDT (TRC20)!

Please, join here first


Thursday 9 December 2021

Secondary​ staking and the S.O.A.P. plan

2022 is only 23 days away and the more you do now, the better it will be.

It will be so easy to make money, but those who make the most will be those who act now.

Secondary staking in We Share Abundance is a top priority followed by the S.O.A.P. plan where YOU will be able to earn instant commissions, payable on request, for giving away EBB memberships.

I have covered this in detail on the live updates of 4th December 2021 (replays can be found in Youtube and also in the Facebook Group)


but you can also read a brief description here:


My advice is to build your team NOW because once SOAP launches there will be an explosion of growth and the more members you have in your team, the more you will benefit!

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Withdraw only your earnings

    Graham mentioned in the daily live on June 24th that you can only withdraw what you have earned in WeShareAbundance programs. You cannot...

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