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Showing posts with label WESA coin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WESA coin. Show all posts

Thursday 20 May 2021

The Change From WESA Tokens Explained

Let's clear up the questions on the change from WESA to WESAbundance and the possibility of a WESA coin.

WESA coin we have created already, but until such time as we can get it accepted on major exchanges it serves no purpose and is not yet available. Once we decide to make it live (there is no time frame in mind for this) members will have the option of exchanging WESAbundance tokens for WESA coin on a 1 for 1 basis.
WESA tokens are a free-market asset and will be retained as the currency in MultiplyWESA and withdrawals will continue to be paid daily from MultiplyWESA in WESA tokens.
We Share Abundance will change to the WESAbundance token at midnight on Thursday 20th May, 2021 (is the official time of the change after which no tokens other than WESAbundance will be accepted or used, but the actual change may take place a few hours later). This will be a seamless change not requiring any action from the members and all WESA tokens in WESA wallets at that time will be converted to WESAbundance tokens automatically.
From the time of the change in WSA, deposits will only be accepted in WESAbundance tokens, and at our discretion any other tokens sent may be converted to WESAbundance at market value, or returned to the sender less an administration fee.

Withdrawers will have 2 options:
1/ Any value may be withdrawn and paid after being converted to WESA tokens. Many members have been asking for this option and we listen and always seek to provide a solution to what our members want.
2/ Withdrawal subject to liquidity in bitcoins or any other mainstream coin that admin decides to use (as now) will be allowed based on the smallest requests being paid first .

Once the change to WESAbundance has been made all purchases and stakes will be made using the new WESAbundance token. The paid program, once introduced, will be purchased using WESAbundance tokens and withdrawals from income earned in the paid program can be requested at any time and will be paid daily in WESAbundance tokens. This means that the ONLY way to obtain WESAbundance tokens in your account will be either by purchasing them on the exchange or by withdrawal from the WSA paid plan.
Uploads of WESA tokens to We Share Abundance made in the 10 days prior to the change (from midnight 11th May, 2021 to midnight 21st May, 2021) will be paid to your wallet as a FREE BONUS and not deducted from your WESAbundance wallet. So, if you uploaded 10 WESA tokens, you will get them changed to 10 WESAbundance tokens in your WSA wallet and then receive the equivalent amount back into your account. How cool is that? To facilitate this FREE BONUS you will need to complete a form including your registered email address, WSA username, the TXID of your deposit, the date of deposit and the number of tokens deposited.
I think this should answer all questions and this will also be posted on the WSA website in the FAQ section.

God bless,

Graham Frame

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