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Saturday 27 July 2024

Latest news on the 777 plan

    Many people may look at a valuable gem, but because it looks dirty and needs some effort to clean it up, and further, the gem requires cutting to reveal its true beauty and worth, they overlook the gem or put it aside as a worthless lump of rock.

    Those who are informed or have the curiosity to examine the gem more closely are rewarded with a great treasure. The WSA 777 plan is such a gem, often overlooked and not fully appreciated.

    Let us get clear what the 777 plan is about and what is happening at the moment (July 2024).

    The plan was not designed to be totally passive; but it will work passively - with patience!

    The plan is designed to help people who want to build an income, but struggle with referring, selling and recruiting. It does this by allocating what we call 'assisted' positions, that can be given away at no cost to the existing member or the new member. All it requires is to offer someone a no-out-of-pocket opportunity to make money with the same help.

   It is designed to benefit mostly the people who promote the plan - this is only fair!

    If members are not prepared to help others, and be of service to them, by giving them a position in the 777 program at no out-of- pocket expense, the system will, at some time, add a non-participating member into that position automatically. There is no time limit for this, so, if you do not fill the position yourself by adding a friend or contact, you have to wait indefinitely for this to happen.

    If you join as a member, who pays, out of your own pocket, and after six months are not happy with your position and income, we will buy your position from you for twice what you initially paid, less any income already received. You can't lose and neither can anyone else!

    Currently the allocation of people by the system is paused awaiting some plan enhancements. 

    It is always recommended that when you receive an assisted position to give away, you make the effort to be of service and help someone by placing them in that position. This involves no out-of-pocket expense for anyone and will benefit the recipient, your sponsor and yourself. One simple act of caring and love instantly benefits three people. If you are too lazy and inconsiderate to do this, don't blame the system - look in the mirror!

    The 777 plan is growing at 1,500 or more, new members every month; and since launch, just a few months ago, has grown to over 19,000 members. 

    This is hardly deserving of comments such as, 

"Three months into the 777 plan and nothing’s happening. Just another disappointing program." 

     I suggest that all programs will disappoint anyone who has that attitude and mindset.

    Take this to heart and start becoming the person deserving of everything you want in life. Spread happiness and joy and you will see your life change for the better in so many ways.

You can learn more here...

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God bless you,

Graham Frame & Nigel Barksfield

P.S.. "Often we continue to suffer without making an effort to change; that is why we don't find lasting peace and contentment. If we would persevere we would certainly be able to conquer all difficulties. We must make the effort, that we may go from misery to happiness, despondency to courage." ~ Paramahansa Yogananda - Spiritual leader and life coach. ‪1893-1952‬

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