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Showing posts with label withheld. Show all posts

Friday 27 October 2023

Our Situation Part One The Situation Today

The Situation Today

Over the past months we have suffered losses of funds that were invested in third-party plans. Notably, Fundsz and CoinMarketBull have gone and our money with them. Additionally, AAS and Vortic-United​ are working on getting back liquidity, so, although the large amount of funds in these plans may not be lost, it will be many months before we regain access to them. Add to this Binance stopping all withdrawals from our account, and we have a cash flow situation that is, to say the least, very strained. 

We have been learning to trade for over 12 months, but this ability depends on time and expertise, so trading is never going to be sustainable long term.

Also, we have other plans that are not yet mature enough to provide any meaningful income, These include, but are not limited to: ETF Pools, ITPro and Beyond Infinity, all of which at this moment in time, look stable, but who knows?

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