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Showing posts with label 50. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 August 2024

One-time payment or weekly payments

   The ShareHope program is not as popular as the 777 program because it costs $10.00 per four weeks and is not a one-time payment. This means that it is always going to provide recurring income and this helps more people to benefit long term.

    Single-payment plans are great for those who are good at recruiting hundreds of members, but for the average marketer who refers an odd one here and there, nothing beats recurring income! It will even work for you if you never refer anyone!

    Claim your top position in the Community Matrix (before 5:30 Friday) the next cut off.

    Commit to participating for as long as it takes to break even, my advice is to deposit $130 for a full year if you can afford it, or as much as you are comfortable with to make sure you never lose your position in the matrix.

    Break-even point will happen fast if you are active, but will take longer if you are passive. As a 100%-passive member, the system will build you a monthly income in excess of $6,000 (not too shabby for a measly $2.50 a week).

    If active, there is no limit on how much you can make or how fast. The matching bonus payments are out of this world and more powerful than you can imagine.

    Check it out now - when you complete your upgrade you'll see your powerline jump to over 47,000 - It's too good to miss!

>> Go

God bless you all,

Graham Frame

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