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Showing posts with label BSC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BSC. Show all posts

Friday 18 August 2023

Plans for withdrawals

Our plans are that, sometime soon, you should be able to withdraw through our own token exchange, (off chain)​ into USDT BEP20, (a stablecoin designed for fast and cheap usage with the Binance Smart Chain, at the allocation value give in the back office of WSA for no fee.

Tuesday 25 July 2023

PPIP launch 25th July

Tomorrow (25th July), ​ we plan to deploy the Progressive Passive Income Pools (PPIP)​ plan allowing all members to activate withdrawals from their WESAbundance Wallet which will be renamed the PPIP Wallet.

See more here:

PPIP news

With the PPIP plan, once you activate withdrawals, not only will they be automatic every month, they will also increase in value every year (or sooner if you refer other qualified members).

To qualify for withdrawals you must be an Active Elite Member and:

* Maintain status for 12 complete, consecutive months from launch  day (25th July, 2023), 


* Pay $100 to activate now, 


* Refer a member who becomes active by paying $100. This can be an existing referral or a new member.

Once activated, your first withdrawal will be paid at the start of the month following your first full month. Example: If you pay $100 tomorrow your first withdrawal will be paid at the start of September.

This is generational income that will never end and increase after every 12 withdrawals.

Withdrawals will be paid into your Available Cash Wallet and then may be used for internal purchases or withdrawn in our new BSC token to your external wallet.

The exchange of WESAbundance tokens in your WESAbundance wallet to our new BSC-based token will be automatic, and to facilitate this, any tokens in your Available Cash Wallet will be moved to the PPIP wallet prior to the end of August 2023..

If you have WESAbundance tokens in the Waves exchange, you can either leave them there and we will redeem them over time; or you can upload them to your PPIP wallet where they will be automatically converted to the new token and be subject to the PPIP withdrawal rules.

If you have WESAbundance tokens now in your Available Cash Wallet, you can choose to withdraw them to your Waves account or they will be automatically moved to your PPIP wallet and converted into the new BSC token.

This represents a massive move forward in our mission to bring hope to the poor and forsaken, help banish poverty and create a stable economy for generations to come.

I plan to have a video available tomorrow that explains our unique plan to all new prospective members.

Finally, there is hope for anyone, anywhere to create a habit that will change their life for the better, and allow them to plan for the future without any out-of-pocket expense. All anyone needs to set a course for prosperity, is a machine and an internet connection for about two minutes a day.

Of course, it will also allow those who have funds, to invest and  participate in our three, highly-lucrative, passive income plans from day one.

God bless you,

Graham Frame

P.S. "Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance." ~ Eckhart Tolle - Spiritual Teacher-Author


Sunday 16 July 2023

Inspiration from our leader, Graham

    I have a passion to fulfil the WSA mission and goals and will never give up on this.

I can understand some frustration and disappointment and I accept responsibility for not getting us where we want to go as fast as we would all like.

When people are removed from the Facebook group it is not a punishment, and I sympathise with the sentiments expressed, but the removal is because negative comments only slow our progress, and so are not in the common interest.


I now see, clearly, a path to freedom for anyone prepared to journey with us.

It is available to anyone who can access the Internet for one or two minutes a day; and it will, in time, show them that anything they desire is possible with a little patience and persistence.

The launch of the Progressive Passive Income Pools, linked with the move of our token to the BSC Blockchain will mean that all can, and will, prosper. We are not going to suggest overnight riches, but we can show you the path to freedom, and beyond, that the future is in your hands.

As a minimum, anyone involved, even without any out-of-pocket expense, in WSA after the PPIP launch will make at least $10 a month within two years. This will become at least $30 a month within five years, and at least $80 a month within ten years. This requires no out-of-pocket expense, selling or referring and all that you need to do is log in daily and read any messages. 

This is going to bring HOPE to the hearts of the poor and forsaken, kindle courage in the hearts of the despondent and light new strength in the hearts of those who thought they were failures. This is of much greater value than the dollars received and will do more to banish poverty than cash handouts.

The above figures are absolute minimums, and we will have citizens who will greatly exceed these figures and create incomes only limited by self belief.

I willingly accept all the criticism that comes my way, and I would probably feel the same as many do, in thinking that I am just a profiteering scammer if faced with the past experience of WSA without the vision of the future. Only time will prove the truth and I now believe that time is getting near. May God bless you all and WSA.

Keep the faith,

Your loving servant,

Graham Frame

Sunday 7 May 2023

Move to another blockchain commenced

Graham Frame announced in the WeShareAbundancePublicly Facebook group on 6th May, 2023 that we are moving the wealth builder assets, etc, to another blockchain. Currently, WESAbundance tokens use the Ethereum blockchain. He also mentioned that we may be building our own currency exchange to handle the wealth builder assets.

On 9th May, 2023 Graham Frame reported that the WESA token would be moved to the BNB Smart Chain (BSC)​ blockchain.


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