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Showing posts with label stability. Show all posts
Showing posts with label stability. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 January 2024

ShareHope tokens' attributes


because the ShareHope Token is not your conventional Crypto Currency!

**Abstract: **

This white paper outlines the distinctive features and attributes of the ShareHope Token, represented by the contract address 0x9ceEAa2C9d33783d6B9B8288a94E40cd405c34E2. 

Issued by We Share Abundance (WSA), the token is named ShareHope to embody its dual purpose of fostering financial growth and making a positive impact on charitable initiatives. This document delves into the token's unique characteristics, such as its inherent price stability, its exclusive exchange for conversion to USDT, its charitable, contribution mechanism through a 1.04% tax, and its capped, monthly, issuance limit of 20,000 tokens.

**1. Introduction: **

The ShareHope Token, issued by We Share Abundance (WSA), represents a groundbreaking approach to cryptocurrency by combining financial growth with charitable giving. This white paper serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding the token's design, purpose, and the benefits it offers to its holders.

**2. Token Features: **

**2.1 Price Stability: **

ShareHope is structured to ensure a consistent and upward trajectory in both price and value, providing a secure and predictable investment for its holders.

**2.2 Exclusive Exchange: **

The token operates on its dedicated exchange, facilitating seamless and secure conversions to USDT. This integration enhances liquidity and accessibility for investors.

**2.3 Charitable Component: **

ShareHope incorporates a 1.04% transaction tax, with the proceeds earmarked for charitable causes. This feature exemplifies the commitment to social responsibility, making every transaction a contribution to positive change.

**2.4 Monthly Issuance Limit: **

To maintain scarcity and prevent inflation, ShareHope imposes a monthly issuance limit of 20,000 tokens, ensuring a controlled supply that aligns with market demand.

**3. Token Utility: **

**3.1 Investment: **

ShareHope serves as a secure and stable investment option, offering a hedge against market volatility.

**3.2 Exchange Functionality: **

The token's dedicated exchange streamlines the conversion of holdings to USDT, enhancing liquidity and facilitating efficient transactions.

**3.3 Charitable Impact: **

Investors actively contribute to charitable causes with every transaction, allowing ShareHope to make a tangible difference in communities worldwide.

**4. Governance: **

ShareHope's governance structure is decentralized, enabling the community to actively participate in decision-making processes related to the token's development, partnerships, and charitable allocations

**5. Risks and Considerations: **

Investors should be aware of potential risks, including market fluctuations, regulatory changes, and technological vulnerabilities. A thorough understanding of ShareHope's features and market dynamics is essential for making informed investment decisions.

**6. Conclusion: **

ShareHope, issued by We Share Abundance (WSA), represents a unique opportunity for investors seeking stability, liquidity, and a philanthropic impact. By combining financial innovation with responsible practices, this token aims to create a positive and sustainable ecosystem within the cryptocurrency space.

**Disclaimer: **

Investors are advised to conduct thorough research and seek professional advice before engaging with ShareHope. This white paper is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial or investment advice.

Sunday 29 October 2023

Forwards Together

Forwards Together

The only sustainable way forward is to provide everything we need within our nation, where we have full control. We have started this course of action and we are continuing its development. We already have the Poverty Crusher plan and the Easy Business Builder and you should be aware that we are also in pre-launch with the 7-7-7 plan, which incorporates our own shop. There is also the TCC Facebook-ads campaign which is finally getting to a point of cost effectiveness​, which will hopefully generate significant income. Fun Miracles is another internal project that will, in time, produce  more income on an ongoing basis. There is also a new, weekly raffle which will help members earn​ and win cash whilst generating funds for charity and, eventually, administration​ costs.

Unfortunately, the Secondary and Stable Staking Plans must pause withdrawals until we can generate funds from the newer programs to first, cover admin costs, then the ShareHope Plan and, finally, to start making inroads into debts to members which include unpaid withdrawals from the two staking plans, members' loans and nest-egg purchases.


The destination is clear, and that is to first make sure than no member that keeps the faith will lose any money through  We Share Abundance -​ so just keep logging in and stay positive! The second consideration is to make sure that all members make a profit of at least double their cash used within WSA.

Of course, any third-party plans that do pay off will assist, but we must make sure for our future stability that we are sustainable from within

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